SSP Malir Rao Anwaar transferred

KARACHI: SSP Malir Rao Anwaar, who requested boycott on the MQM at his public interview today, has been exchanged, SAMAA reported.

Controller General of Sindh Police Ghulam Haider Jamali issued requests for the exchange of Rao Anwaar. Then again, SSP Anwaar said he has gotten no exchange arranges up to this point.

As per the representative of the IGP Sindh, SSP East has been allocated an extra charge of SSP Malir and Rao Anwaar has been coordinated to answer to Capital Police Officer (CPO).

It is correlated to note here that Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah considered Rao Anwaar's public interview.

In his question and answer session, Rao Anwaar asserted that MQM is not a political gathering; rather, it is terrorist outfit; consequently, it ought to be banned. Nonetheless, MQM rubbished every one of his charges and pronounced it a new endeavor of political exploitation, saying, "It (public interview) was gone for diving the city into turmoil. So pitiable are these allegations thus immaterial is the informer that we would prefer even not to discuss it."  –SAM

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