Rao Anwar is SSP of MALIR , which is an Area in Karachi
He is in Police from 1992  till yet , today he
KARACHI: SSP Malir Rao Anwar declared the capture of two dread suspects the previous evening, whom he asserted were individuals from Indian spy office RAW (Research and Analysis Wing).

Identifying with the media on Thursday, he made the startling claim that the suspects – Tahir assumed name Lamba and Mama Junaid – additionally had a place with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and had been sent to India for preparing before.

"MQM is a terrorist association and it ought to be banned," SSP Anwar contended, while portraying that individuals from MQM went to India through Indian-held Kashmir, were prepared there by India's insight office  RAW— and afterward returned to Pakistan to spread dread.

"We have strong proof to demonstrate these assertions. The two individuals we captured have admitted the greater part of this and they are embarrassed about their exercises. We recuperated a lot of explosives, hand projectiles, 9mm guns from these suspects. We will explore further amid the remand," he said.

"MQM is spreading dread in the appearance of a political gathering, and all the senior pioneers of MQM including its boss Altaf Hussain are included in spreading fear in the nation," he included.

The SSP charged that Zulfiqar Haider and Nadeem Nusrat, the representative convener of MQM, have been financing these terrorist exercises from London.

Talking about how these terrorists worked, Anwar said "They are in contact with Zulfiqar Haider, Nadeem Nusrat and Muhammad Anwar. The suspects reached Waqas, who organized cash and visas in Bangkok from where they then go to Delhi airplane terminal. Javed Langra, Naveed, his sibling, Tariq Zaidi and Sunny got them and took them to a farmhouse in Delhi and prepared them in Dheradun. An Indian Army authority named Ram prepared them. In the wake of preparing, they are brought back by method for Kashmir and after that they entered illicitly through the Lahore outskirt."
Arrested terror suspect produced today - DawnNews screengrab
Captured dread suspect delivered today - DawnNews screengrab

Anwar said the MQM ought to be banned the way the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other activist outfits are on the premise of their terrorist exercises.

The captured suspects will be kept in guardianship for 90 days and a JIT will be shaped to research the matter, said the SSP. "We have a considerable measure of confirmation. Individuals who are foes of the state are at the front line of this political gathering."

He went ahead to say that, these terrorist components are given employments, consequently for which they need to do terrorist exercises. "There is proof that they have international IDs and different things, they have admitted the majority of this all alone, and they [the captured criminals] are embarrassed about what they have done."

Duplicate of the announcement discharged by police.

"Under Altaf Hussain, Nadeem Nusrat and Muhammad Anwar's requests, we went to our nation's most outstanding foes and got preparing. Our heads are bowed with disgrace," Anwar cited the hoodlums as saying.

Know more: India helping terrorists in Pakistan: Khawaja Asif

India's insight organization is regularly named by Pakistani authorities for its asserted execution, preparing and financing of terrorist exercises in the nation. As far as concerns it, India has constantly denied such claims and called for confirmation to be presented.

In a meeting on DawnNews' project News Eye in January this year, expanding on late accusatory proclamations by government delegates, Federal Defense Minister Khawaja Asif had guaranteed that India was helping terrorist gathers in Pakistan to complete "shocking acts".

On Wednesday, armed force boss General Raheel Sharif had gone by Karachi to survey the Karachi operation. He was informed by Corps Commander Karachi and DG Rangers Sindh on advancement of the operation in the city. The armed force boss pledged to smash all mafias working in the city.

'Media trial' MQM claims

MQM pioneer Wasay Jalil took a pot shot at SSP Rao Anwar on Twitter, saying that a media trial of MQM is being done.

MQM pioneer Ali Raza Abidi said this will give further set out to individuals of Karachi.

The gathering has reported it will hold a public interview later today to answer the affirmations leveled against it.

Simply a month ago, Rangers had attacked MQM's home office in Azizabad— Nine Zero— where it captured arraigned hoodlums and seized weapons.

In March, passing line detainee Saulat Mirza's footage leveling genuine affirmations on MQM additionally made adjusts on TV stations.

In a nine-moment feature articulation circulated by every news channel, Mirza leveled genuine claims against the MQM boss, Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad and different pioneers of the gathering and said that, as different specialists, he was utilized by the gathering and afterward "discarded like tissue paper".

MQM's authority has on a few events in the previous two months said the gathering was experiencing a media trial in a crusade to insult its picture. Today's public interview by SSP Malir is additionally liable to be seen by the gathering in the s

Tags: RAW , Pakistan , MQM , Rao Anwar , Karachi , Tahir Lamba , Javed Langra , Altaf Hussain

Tags : Tahir Lamba Arrested for Working with RAW
 Tags : Rao Anwar is SSP at Malir Karachi
Tags : Rao Anwar Arrested MQM Member who were working for RAW
Tags : MQM Have to be banned : Rao Anwar
Tags : Sindh Govt
Tags :SSP Malir calls MQM a terrorist outfit, Despite Rangers strong reservations Rao Anwar appointed ,  SSP Malir Rao Anwar says no attack took place at ,

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SSP Malir Rao Anwar Press Conference 30 April Live
SSP Malir Rao Anwar Press Conference 30 April Full About MQM
SSP Malir Rao Anwar Press Conference 30 April Karachi
SSP Malir Rao Anwar Press Conference 30 April 2015 Full Conf
SSP Malir Rao Anwar Press Conference 30 April Talk about MQM
SSP Malir Rao Anwar Press Conference 30 April RAW agents
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